English translation of statutes by which the Club is governed
Please note the translation is a little hit and miss. The Secretary can provide a copy in Spanish by request.
ARTICLE 1. Name and object.
Under the name of Sports Club
is consItuted in the town of ..........................................................................., ( )
is consItuted in the town of , ( ) a private, non-profit making enIty, whose main objecIve is the
pracIce of sport.
ARTICLE 2. Registered office.
The registered office is located at C/ .............................................,
of the town of .................. (C.P .... .) , province of ................. ,
in the event of modificaIon, in accordance with the provisions of arIcle 65 of these statutes.
ArIcles of AssociaIon. At the Ime of its incorporaIon, the club also has the following premises and
its own premises and faciliIes:
ARTICLE 3. Scope of acIon.
The territorial scope of acIon of the organisaIon is basically Andalusia.
ARTICLE 4. Legal status.
This enIty has legal personality and the capacity to act and is governed by the provisions of Law
5/2016, of 19 July, on Andalusian Sport, in Decree 41/2022, of 8 March, which regulates the
Andalusian Sports EnIIes and establishing the structure and operaIng regime of the Andalusian
Register of Sports EnIIes and the provisions that develop it, in the present statutes, in their
regulaIons and other applicable rules, as well as in the provisions of the statutes and regulaIons of
the statutes and regulaIons of the sports federaIons to which, where applicable, it is a`ached,
without prejudice to the provisions of the regulaIons governing the right of associaIon.
regulaIons governing the right of associaIon.
ARTICLE 5. SporIng acIvity.
1. The main purpose of the enIty is the pracIce of the sport of , developing as its
exclusive or main sporIng acIvity the modality / speciality:
........................................................................................, and will be a`ached, where appropriate, to
Andalusian FederaIon of ...............................................................................................
It will also pracIce the following sporIng acIviIes:................................................................,
1. for which purpose it will be a`ached, where appropriate, to the respecIve Andalusian sports
federaIons, if they are carried out as a federated compeIIve sport.
2. For the modificaIon, extension or cancellaIon of any of the sporIng acIviIes carried out by the
sports club, the corresponding agreement must be adopted by the General Assembly of the club.
ARTICLE 6. ObligaIons of the club in relaIon to federated sportspersons.
1. The club has the duty to place at the disposal of the corresponding sports federaIon the federated
sportsmen and women of the club, for the purpose of joining the Andalusian sports teams, in
accordance with the Andalusian Sports Law. And the provisions that develop it, and in accordance
with the statutory condiIons of the sports federaIons.
2. Likewise, the club will place such federated sportsmen and women at the disposal of the
federaIons, with the aim of carring out specific programmes aimed at favouring their sporIng
ARTICLE 7. Challenging acts and agreements.
1. The acIviIes of the enIty shall at all Imes be in accordance with its statutory purposes.
2. The agreements and acts of the enIty which are contrary to the legal system may be challenged
before the ordinary jurisdicIon, independently of the adopIon of the relevant resoluIons that may
be perInent, in accordance with the applicable regulaIons.
ARTICLE 8. Categories.
1. The members of the club shall be considered to be the members of the club, as well as those
persons who belonging to other categories which, by decision of the General Assembly, may be
agreed by regulaIon, such as sportsmen, sportswomen, and, subscribers or collaborators, trainers or
coaches or technicians, sports directors, sports monitors or volunteers.
2. The following are considered members of the sports club: the founding or promoIng persons, as
long as they and any others who are subsequently incorporated as such and included in the Register
of Members and who pay membership fees to support the expenses of the club.
3. Athletes are natural persons who, individually or in a group, pracIse sport on behalf of the sports
club, by means of a federaIve licence or a qualificaIon cerIfying the sportsman or the
sportsperson's membership of the sports club.
4. Subscribers or collaborators are natural or legal persons who parIcipate in the acIviIes of the
sports club and contribute to its support.
5. Coaches or sports technicians, sports directors, sports monitors or volunteers,
persons who carry out these acIviIes in the service of the club, in accordance with the provisions of
Chapters II and III of Title III.
Chapters II and III of Title III of Law 5/2016, of 19 July.
6. It shall be compaIble for the same person to be a member of the club in more than one of the
following categories of those indicated in secIon 1, although, for the purposes of exercising rights in
the enIty, the status of member will prevail, if they have it.
ARTICLE 9. Equality of the members of the club.
The principle of equality of all members of the club is established, without any discriminaIon on the
grounds of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or discriminaIon on the grounds of birth, race, sex,
religion, opinion or any other personal or social condiIon or circumstance.
ARTICLE 10. Number of members.
The number of members shall be unlimited. However, the Board of Directors may temporarily
suspend the admission of new members when the lack of space or the capacity of the faciliIes so
ARTICLE 11. Rights of club members.
1. Members shall enjoy full rights under this consItuIon.
2. In any case, members shall have the following rights:
a) To elect and be eligible for elecIon to the governing and administraIve bodies, provided that they
have reached the age of 18 and have full capacity to act.
b) To parIcipate with voice and vote in the sessions of the General Assembly of the club or, where
appropriate, by means of a representaIve, parIcipaIng in the taking of decisions of the General
Assembly of the club.
c) To receive informaIon on the acIviIes of the enIty and, especially, on its management and
d) To have access to the documentaIon of the club, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IX
of the statutes and other applicable regulaIons.
e) To a`end acIviIes or compeIIons organised by the club and to use its faciliIes and services.
f) To freely express their opinions within the enIty and in relaIon to the same.
g) To complain to the corresponding bodies against the decisions of the club's governing bodies.
h) To freely separate from the enIty.
3. The remaining members of the club shall enjoy the rights established in le`ers e), f), g), h), i) and j)
above. e), f), g) and h) of the previous secIon.
The right to receive informaIon referred to in paragraph c) shall be limited to informaIon on
general ma`ers of the enIty and those specific ma`ers that affect the club.
The rights provided for in points (a) and (b)
a) and b) shall be exercised by means of a system of indirect representaIon, so that categories other
than membership are represented in the General Assembly as provided for in these
categories other than membership are represented at the General Assembly as provided for in these
statutes. Such representaIves, as members of the General Assembly, shall also have the rights
provided for in (c) and (d) above.
4. In addiIon, the federated sportsmen and sportswomen of the club shall have the following rights:
a) To carry out their sporIng acIvity within the framework of the regulaIons governing the
corresponding sport.
b) To join the Andalusian sports teams when they are called up by the federaIons.
5. Federated coaches and trainers shall also have the following rights:
a) To carry out their sporIng acIvity in accordance with the corresponding federaIve regulaIons.
a) To carry out their sporIng acIvity in accordance with the corresponding federaIve regulaIons.
b) To be governed, where appropriate, by the specific convenIons which, within the framework of
the legal, regulatory and statutory rules, are signed by the federaIons,
b) To be governed, where appropriate, by the specific agreements which, within the framework of
the legal, regulatory and statutory rules, they enter into with the club bodies.
6. The sports directors, monitors and volunteers, where applicable, shall have the rights provided for
by the general applicable regulaIons.
ARTICLE 12. ObligaIons of the members of the club.
1. The obligaIons of all the members of the club are, in addiIon to those of a legal and economic
nature, the following that are derived from the present statutes and regulaIons of the enIty, the
a) To abide by the statutes and regulaIons of the club and the agreements adopted by its governing
b) To contribute to the fulfilment of the aims of the club.
2. Members also have the following obligaIons:
a) To contribute to the economic support of the club, by paying the fees, contribuIons and prices
established by the club.
b) To collaborate in the management and administraIon of the club, if designated to do so.
3. The federated sportsmen and women of the club are also obliged to parIcipate in the Andalusian
sports selecIons.
Andalusian sports teams.
ARTICLE 13. AcquisiIon of membership.
In order to become a member it will be necessary
a) Wri`en applicaIon to the Board of Directors, endorsed by 2 members. Proposals for the
admission of
a) A wri`en applicaIon to the Board of Directors, endorsed by 2 members, only or, failing that, on
the Club's noIce board, with a period of 15 working days for objecIons to be made.
b) Once admission has been agreed by the Board of Directors, the corresponding admission fee shall
be paid.
ARTICLE 14. Loss of membership.
Membership shall be lost
a) By one's own free will, expressed by means of a wri`en resignaIon addressed to the Secretary of
the Club.
b) For non-payment of the established membership fees for three consecuIve months or four
months in a calendar year, with prior warning, hearing of the person concerned and by agreement of
the Board of Directors.
c) By agreement of the Board of Directors, based on very serious misconduct, aher the iniIaIon of a
file with a hearing of the person concerned, which shall be raIfied at the first General Assembly to
be held.
General Assembly to be held.
d) Death.
ARTICLE 15. Fees.
The fees to be paid by members shall be established by the General Assembly and shall be:
a) Ordinary:
- Admission.
- Periodical.
- For the use of faciliIes or services, where appropriate.
b) Extraordinary or special: those that are excepIonally established
ARTICLE 16. Governing and administraIve bodies.
1. The enIty shall be governed by the following governing and administraIve bodies:
a) The General Assembly.
b) The Board of Directors.
c) The person holding the Presidency.
d) The person in charge of the Secretariat
e) The Electoral Commission.
All of the above, without prejudice to the possible creaIon by the Board of Directors of Commissions
or other organs that it deems necessary for the achievement and be`er development of the aims of
the enIty, which, in no case, may undermine the competences of the aforemenIoned bodies.
2. The General Assembly may create an IntervenIon or IntervenIon Commission, for the economic
and accounIng control of the club.
ARTICLE 17. The General Assembly.
1. The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the enIty. It is made up of all
members as well as a representaIon of the other members of the sports club, if any, in the form of
one member for each category, elected by and from among the members of the club.
2. All members of the Assembly shall be eligible without excepIon for elecIon to the following
offices all members of the Assembly may be elected without excepIon to office, provided that they
have at least one year's seniority as a member of the Club (except in the case of a
members of the club (except in the case of the consItuIon of the enIty), and they shall also enjoy
the other rights to which they are enItled by virtue of the rights that correspond to them by virtue
of the legal provisions in force on the ma`er.
ARTICLE 18. FuncIons of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly shall be responsible for
a) To elect, from among its members, the person holding the Presidency and the Board of Directors,
by free, equal, direct and secret suffrage of its members, and to vote, where appropriate, on the
moIon of censure..
b) To raIfy, in accordance with the provisions of ArIcle 45.2 of the ArIcles of AssociaIon, with the
same requirements, appointments made by the Presidency to the composiIon of the Board of
Directors during its term of office.
during its term of office, as well as any increase or decrease in the number of its members.
c) To elect the members of the Electoral Commission.
d) Approve the Club's income and expenditure budget.
e) To approve, if appropriate, the annual report and the se`lement of the club's accounts.
f) To approve, if appropriate, the proposals of the Board of Directors.
g) To study and resolve any proposals made in wriIng by its members, which must be presented at
least 15 days prior to the date of the General Assembly, endorsed by at least one member of the
Board of Directors.
General Assembly, endorsed by at least 5% of its members.
h) To establish the condiIons and form of admission of new members and to agree on the amounts
of the fees to be paid by the members of the AssociaIon.
to be paid by the members of the Club.
i) To dispose of, encumber and dispose of the real estate of the enIty, borrow money and issue
transferable securiIes represenIng debt or part of the assets.
j) To create services for the benefit of the members.
k) To raIfy or revoke the loss of membership by sancIon.
l) Resolve any appeals lodged against the sancIoning resoluIons of the Board of Directors.
m) To approve modificaIons to the present statutes, as well as the club's regulaIons and their
n) To create, if deemed necessary, an IntervenIon or IntervenIon Commission and to designate its
o) AppoinIng the members and subsItutes of the ConciliaIon Commi`ee for the resoluIon of
internal legal-sports conflicts.
p) To determine the number of members of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions
of these statutes.
q) However, in full compliance with these statutes and for jusIfied reasons that require it, the Board
of Directors may adopt a code of good governance code, which must be submi`ed for debate,
raIficaIon or modificaIon at the first General Assembly to be held.
ARTICLE 19. Sessions of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly shall meet
a) In ordinary session, at least once a year, to approve the annual budgets, ordinary fees, as well as
the annual report and se`lement of the accounts for the previous year.
b) In extraordinary session, for the modificaIon of the statutes, approval and modificaIon of the
bylaws, of the AssociaIon.
dissoluIon and liquidaIon of the enIty, elecIon of the President and the Board of Directors, and the
President and the Board of Directors, borrowing money, issuance of transferable securiIes
represenIng of debt or equity, disposal of immovable property,
fixing of extraordinary quotas, or when requested by at least 25% members, who must state in the
corresponding wri`en document the items whose inclusion in the agenda they request.
ARTICLE 20. - Calling of General MeeIngs.
1. General Assemblies shall be convened by the person holding the Presidency, at his/her own
iniIaIve, at the request of the Board of Directors or when requested by at least 25% of the
In the la`er case, the Agenda shall contain, as a minimum, the points to be indicated in the wri`en
request for the meeIng to be convened.
2. The General Assemblies shall be convened by the person holding the Presidency at least 10 days
before they are to be held, by means of direct communicaIon of the noIce of meeIng to its
components by e-mail and noIce posted on the Club's website, or in the absence of a website,
noIce on the noIce board at the registered office of the enIty. AddiIonal means of electronic or
convenIonal communicaIon may also be used. The communicaIon must include the necessary
documentaIon on the items on the agenda to be dealt with.
3. The noIce shall state the agenda and the date and Ime at which the General Assembly, on first
and second call. It shall also expressly state whether the General Assembly be held in person or
remotely, and if so, the idenIficaIon of the means, form of access and condiIons for its
condiIons of its development.
ARTICLE 21. ConsItuIon of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly, both ordinary and extraordinary, shall be validly consItuted at the first call
when half plus one of its members are present or represented; At second call, the presence of one
quarter of its members shall be sufficient.
ARTICLE 22. Holding of the General Assembly.
1. The General Assembly shall be chaired by the person holding the office of President of the Club.
of the club.
2. The General Assembly, whether ordinary or extraordinary, shall begin with a count of those
persons in a`endance. Once the ma`ers on the Agenda have been debated and resolved, the
following will take place three of the persons making up the Assembly shall be designated to approve
the minutes and sign them on behalf of the others, together with the person holding the office of
President and the person holding the office of Secretary.
The minutes shall state the date, place and Ime of the meeIng, the manner in which the meeIng
was held, whether in person or remotely, the list of a`endees, the number of members present and
the number of a`endees., the content of the resoluIons adopted and the results of any votes cast, if
ARTICLE 23. AdopIon of resoluIons by the General Assembly.
1. In order to adopt resoluIons, the General MeeIng must be duly convened.
2. ResoluIons shall be passed by a simple majority of the members present, except for the
borrowing of money, the disposal or alienaIon of immovable property, or the request for the
declaraIon, for the applicaIon for a declaraIon of public uIlity and for amendments to the ArIcles
of AssociaIon, in which case the vote in shall require the favourable vote of an absolute majority of
the members of the assembly.
For the issuance of transferable securiIes represenIng debt or equity, the following shall be required
a favourable vote by a two-thirds majority of the members of the General Assembly. For the
dissoluIon of the enIty shall require the favourable vote of a two-thirds majority of those present,
represenIng the absolute majority of the members of the General Assembly.. Qualified majoriIes
shall also be required for any other ma`ers established by current legislaIon or these bylaws.
ARTICLE 24. The Board of Directors.
1. As the governing and management body of the club there shall be a Board of Directors, which
shall be made up of a number of members of no less than three and no more than twenty, headed
by the person who holds the Presidency of the enIty and which shall also include, as a minimum, a
Vice-Presidency, a Secretary and a Secretary's Office, Vice-Presidency, a Secretariat and a Treasury,
and there may also be such memberships as may be established.
2. On the proposal of the person holding the Presidency, the Board of Directors shall be elected by,
by free, direct and secret ballot, by and among the members of the Assembly, without prejudice to
the provisions of arIcle 31.1 of these statutes, in relaIon to the appointment of the Secretary.
3. It shall be incompaIble, in any case, to hold or exercise the office of the Presidency or Vice-
Presidency with any other posiIon on the Board of Directors. It shall also be incompaIble to be a
member of the Board of Directors of the Club with any other posiIon of the Board of Directors of the
club with the membership of this governing body in another club of the same sport modality.
4. In order to hold any of the posiIons on the Board of Directors, it is necessary to have the condiIon
of person who has been a member of the enIty for at least one year (except in the case of
consItuIon of the club).
5. The term of office of the Board of Directors shall be four years, without prejudice to the provisions
of ArIcle 36.1 c) of these statutes.
ArIcle 36.1 c) of these statutes.
6. The Board of Directors may appoint and remove a person as a Manager, who need not be a
member of the Club and who shall be responsible for the material execuIon and implementaIon of
the Club's acIviIes of the agreements adopted by the General Assembly, carrying out all the tasks
entrusted to him/her by the Board and coordinaIng all the services and acIviIes of the enIty. The
person in charge of the Management shall a`end the meeIngs of the Board of Directors, with the
right to speak but not to vote.
7. The exercise of the posts in the governing and representaIve bodies of the club will be free of
charge, except when, due to the dedicaIon required or other jusIfied circumstances, it may be of a
remunerated nature. In these cases, the General Assembly, by an absolute majority of its members,
may approve a specific economic amount, which shall be made public to the members.
ARTICLE 25. Legal representaIon of the club.
The person holding the Presidency and, failing that, the Vice-Presidency, under the terms of arIcle
30 of the statutes, or such other persons as may be determined by agreement of the Board of
Directors, shall be the legal representaIves of the club, acIng on its behalf.
ARTICLE 26. FuncIoning of the Board of Directors.
1. The Board of Directors shall meet in ordinary session, at least quarterly and, extraordinarily,
whenever the Board of Directors so decides, or by the person holding the Presidency or at the
request of one third of the members.
The Board of Directors may meet in person or remotely, by electronic or audio visual means.
2. The Board of Directors shall be validly consItuted on first call when the majority of the members
of the Board of Directors are present; at second call, minimum number of persons present, provided
that the person holding the office of President or the person holding the office of
the person holding the office of Vice-Chairman and the person holding the office of Secretary or the
person replacing him/her are present. It shall be also validly consItuted when all the members of the
Commi`ee are present and unanimously agree to do so, even if they do not unanimously agreed,
even if no prior noIce has been given.
3. The Board of Directors shall be convened by the person holding its Presidency at least 48 hours
prior to the date on which it is to be held. The call shall be communicated to all members of the
Board of Directors by e-mail, without prejudice to its communicaIon by the same or other
or other means to other persons, when deemed appropriate.
ARTICLE 27. FuncIons of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall be responsible for carrying out any acts related to the acIvity of the
organisaIon, with no other limitaIons than those deriving from the applicable regulaIons and these
In parIcular, it is the duty of the Board of Directors:
a) Interpret the statutes, regulaIons and other provisions of the enIty, and ensure their exact
a) To interpret the statutes, regulaIons and other provisions of the enIty, and to ensure their exact
b) To execute the agreements adopted by the General Assembly.
c) To adopt the agreements necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes of the enIty, as well as to
establish the perInent means and procedures for this purpose.
d) To supervise the economic and administraIve regime.
e) To propose to the General Assembly the amount of the contribuIons of the members and other
members of the Club, by way of ordinary or extraordinary fees, or other contribuIons.
f) To create the Commissions it deems necessary for the fulfilment of the aims of the enIty.
g) To organise and direct the services of the enIty, as appoinIng and dismissing the personnel
required to a`end to them.
g) To organise and direct the services of the enIty, as well as to appoint and dismiss the personnel
required to provide them, and to sancIon them if necessary.
h) To propose to the General Assembly the condiIons and form of admission of new members, to
agree on their separaIon and to impose the appropriate sancIons on members of the Club, in
accordance with the provisions of these statutes.
i) To draw up the budget, the annual report and the annual accounts of the enIty.
j) The contracIng of services in general.
k) Other ma`ers not expressly entrusted to the General Assembly or to the person holding the
ARTICLE 28. The Presidency.
1. The person holding the Presidency of the Club, who will also be the President of the General
Assembly and of the Board of Directors, will be elected by free, equal, direct and secret suffrage, by
and from amongst the members of the General Assembly.
2. The term of office of the incumbent of the Presidency shall be four years, without prejudice to the
provisions of arIcle 36.1 c) of these statutes.
3. If during the term of office of the Board of Directors the incumbent of the Presidency should cease
to hold office for any reason, except in the event of early elecIons or an approved moIon of
censure, the person holding the office of the Vice-Presidency shall temporarily take over his or her
funcIons, and an Extraordinary General Assembly shall be held within a maximum of three months.
Extraordinary General Assembly must be held within a maximum period of two months, in order to
proceed to the elecIon the new President and Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions
of arIcle 36 of these statutes.
ARTICLE 29. FuncIons of the person holding the Presidency.
The duIes of the person holding the office of President shall be as follows:
a) To convene the General Assembly and the Board of Directors and to chair both.
b) To represent the organisaIon before all kinds of public and private bodies.
c) To ensure compliance with the statutes, the agreements of the General Assembly and of the Board
of Directors.
d) To sign, together with the Secretary, the Minutes of the meeIngs of the club's collegiate bodies of
the Club.
e) To draw up, together with the Board of Directors, the drah budget, the annual report and the
annual accounts.
f) To carry out the funcIons and fulfil the duIes that are proper to him/her, in accordance with these
g) To temporarily fill vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors.
h) To exercise its funcIons in disciplinary and sancIoning ma`ers, under the terms set out in these
ARTICLE 30. The Vice-Presidency.
The Vice-presidency shall be held by the person holding the office of Vice-president in the event of
Presidency in the event of absence, vacancy or illness of the la`er, under the terms provided for in
these statutes.
ARTICLE 31. The Secretariat.
1. The Secretary of the Club will be a person chosen by the Presidency from amongst the members of
the Board of Directors, and will act as Secretary of this body and of the General Assembly;
He/she shall a`end the meeIngs with the right to speak and vote.
2. He/she shall be responsible for issuing cerIficaIons with the approval of the Presidency, direcIng
administraIve running of the Club, keeping the Club's books and custody of its archives.
3. In the event of absence, vacancy or illness, he/she shall be replaced by the youngest member of
the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 32. The Treasury.
1. The Treasurer of the Board of Directors shall be the custodian of the organisaIon's funds.
The duIes of the Treasurer's Office are as follows.
a) To collect, safeguard and deposit the funds in the place and in the manner determined by the
Board of Directors.
b) To make the payments authorised by the person holding the Presidency in the name of the enIty,
as well as to intervene in them.
c) To manage the accounts, as well as to keep and maintain the accounIng books.
d) To sign current account documents with the person holding the Presidency.
2. In the event of absence, vacancy or illness, he/she shall be subsItuted by the first member of the
Board of Directors.
3. If no provision has been made by the Board of Directors to fill the post of Treasurer, the duIes of
the Treasurer shall be exercised temporarily by the person holding the post of Secretary.
ARTICLE 33. Other members of the Board of Directors.
Independently of their parIcipaIon in the governance of the enIty as members of the Board of
Directors, the members of the Board of Directors may exercise their funcIons under the dependence
and by mandate of the Board, to which they will propose their iniIaIves, the management of
commissions for specific ma`ers relaIng to the aims of the club..
ARTICLE 34. The Electoral Commission.
The Electoral Commission is the body responsible for the promoIon and control of the electoral
processes for the governing and representaIve bodies.
ARTICLE 35. ElecIon of the President and the Board of Directors.
1. The person holding the office of President and the Board of Directors of the organisaIon shall be
elected at an Extraordinary General Assembly, by General Assembly, by free, equal, direct and secret
ballot, by and among the members of the General Assembly.
2. The candidatures for the elecIon of the Board of Directors, which shall be closed and complete,
shall include, in addiIon to a list of its members, the posiIon that each person is to hold.
ARTICLE 36. Electoral procedure.
1. The elecIon of the person holding the office of President and of the Board of Directors shall take
place in the following cases
1. following cases:
a) By expiry of the term of office of the incumbent of the Presidency and of the Board of Directors.
b) By resignaIon or resignaIon, death, disqualificaIon or incapacity of the person holding the
Presidency who has headed the candidature.
c) By a vote of no confidence in the incumbent of the Presidency approved at an Extraordinary
General Assembly called for this purpose.
Extraordinary General Assembly called for this purpose, at the request of at least twenty-five per
cent of its members, by an absolute majority of the same. The moIon of censure must include a
candidate for the Presidency of the club and the proposed composiIon of the Board of Directors If
the moIon of censure is passed, the incumbent of the Presidency and the proposed Board of
Directors will be the confidence of the General Assembly and their term of office will be extended
unIl the convocaIon of the electoral process, which will take place at the end of the four-year period
resulIng from the previous elecIons.
d) Due to the calling of early elecIons by the person holding the Presidency of the Club.
e) When, due to resignaIon or resignaIon, death, disqualificaIon or incapacity, Board of Directors
has been reduced in such a way that it cannot duly exercise its funcIons.
2. The opening of the electoral procedure shall be agreed at an Extraordinary General Assembly held
for this purpose. In any case, this resoluIon shall contain the composiIon of the Electoral
Commission elected.
With the opening of the electoral procedure, the term of office of the incumbent of the
of the Presidency and of the Board of Directors, both bodies being consItuted as a Management
Board, except in the case provided for in
in secIon 36.1 b), in which case the Management Board shall be made up of the remaining members
of the Board of Directors that members of the Board of Directors who have completed their term of
office shall compose the Management Board. If any member of the Board
were to form part of the candidatures for the elecIon of the Board of Directors, they must first leave
the Management Board.
In the event that the person holding the office of President of the sports club is standing re-elecIon,
the Management Board shall designate from among its members a person to hold the Presidency,
who shall be the President of the same.
Presidency, who will act as President of the sports club unIl the proclamaIon of the new President.
The Management Board is the body in charge of administering the sports club during the electoral
procedure, and its Presidency is the acIng Presidency of the club itself unIl the end of the elecIons.
The Management Board ceases in its funcIons with the definiIve proclamaIon of the person
holding the Presidency and the Board of Directors of the sports club.
3. For these purposes, the person holding the Presidency of the enIty will propose the opening of
the electoral procedure by means of a communicaIon to the members of the General Assembly, so
as to ensure in such a way as to ensure the necessary disseminaIon and knowledge, will call this
Extraordinary Assembly,
The following points shall be specified in the call as items on the Agenda:
a) Electoral calendar, which shall include:
- Calling of the electoral process.
- Deadline for challenges to the census and their resoluIon.
- Deadline for the presentaIon of candidacies.
- Deadline for admission and proclamaIon of candidacies.
- Deadline for challenges and their resoluIon.
- Date of the Extraordinary General Assembly for the holding of elecIons and voIng Imetable.
- Deadline for claims against the voIng and its incidents.
- Deadline for the resoluIon of claims and proclamaIon of the incumbent of the Presidency and the
Board of Directors.
b) ElecIon of the members of the Electoral Commission.
c) ElecIon, where appropriate, of a Management Board to replace the Board of Directors during the
electoral process.
ARTICLE 37. Bodies of the electoral process.
The bodies of the electoral process are the Electoral Commission and the Electoral Table.
ARTICLE 38. ComposiIon of the Electoral Commission.
1. The General Assembly, when agreeing to the opening of the electoral process, shall elect three
people members of the same who are not going to present their candidacy to form part of the
Electoral Commission as full members, and three others as subsItutes.
As full members, and three others to replace them.
Should any of them, aher their appointment as a member of the Electoral Commission, decide to
stand for elecIon as a candidate,
decides to join any candidacy, he/she shall automaIcally cease to be a member of the Electoral
Commission, and shall be replaced by another three as subsItutes.
The first of the subsItutes shall replace him/her as a member of the said Commission.
2. The Presidency of the Electoral Commission shall be exercised by the oldest member and the
Secretariat by the youngest.
3. ResoluIons shall be adopted by majority vote of the persons a`ending, with Ies being decided by
the vote of the person holding the office of President shall decide in the event of a Ie.
ARTICLE 39. FuncIons of the Electoral Commission.
The Electoral Commission shall be the body responsible for promoIng, direcIng and controlling the
electoral processes and shall have at least the following duIes:
a) To approve the electoral roll.
b) To admit the candidacies.
c) To resolve challenges, complaints and any other incidents that may arise in relaIon to the
development of the electoral process.
d) ProclamaIon and publicaIon of the winning candidature on the Club's website in a prominent
place, and failing this, on the Club's website in a prominent place, and failing this, on the Club's
noIce board .
ARTICLE 40. Requirements for candidatures.
1. The requirements to be a candidate are as follows:
a) Be of Spanish naIonality or be a resident foreigner.
b) Have reached the age of majority.
c) The person must be in full use of his civil rights and not be subject to a disciplinary sancIon that
disqualifies him from
d) Be a member of the Assembly with a minimum of one year's uninterrupted seniority in the club
(except in the case of the consItuIon of the enIty).
e) Not to be a member of the Board of Directors of another sports club of the same modality.
f) To present the candidature with the endorsement indicated below, a`aching a wri`en acceptance
of all the candidates who are members of the club.
2. The candidatures shall be presented to the Electoral Commission in closed and complete lists,
specifying the posiIon for which each person included in the list is standing, in accordance with the
provisions of these statutes, with the following informaIon
with the endorsement of a minimum of 10% of the assembly members.
The members of the Assembly who endorse the candidacies shall state their full name and surname,
membership number, if applicable, and shall a`ach a copy of their idenIty card or passport.
No one may present or endorse more than one candidacy. In the event of duplicate signatures, they
shall be considered as not having been submi`ed.
3. If there is no candidature or if those presented do not meet the established requirements,
the Management Board shall conInue in its funcIons and, with the agreement of the Electoral
Commission, shall formalise, within a minimum of 15 days and a maximum of 30 days, a new
electoral calendar.
ARTICLE 41. Right to vote.
In the elecIon of the President and the Board of Directors, the following shall have the right to vote
The members of the General Assembly, over 18 years of age, who have the capacity to act, shall have
the right to vote.
ARTICLE 42. The Electoral Table.
1. Once the Extraordinary General Assembly has been consItuted for the elecIon of the person
holding the Presidency and the Board of Directors of the enIty, a draw shall be made by lot among
the members of the Assembly who do not form part of any candidacy, for the designaIon of the
three persons who will compose the members of the Electoral Table.
2. The ElecIon Table shall then be consItuted and shall be presided over by the oldest of the elected
3. The funcIons of the Electoral Table are as follows:
a) To verify the idenIty of the voters.
b) To collect the ballot papers and deposit them in the ballot box prepared for this purpose, which
must be duly closed.
c) the number of voters, the number of valid votes cast, invalid votes, the result of the voIng and any
incidents that may occur.
d) Forward a copy of the minutes within 24 hours to the Electoral Commission.
4. In the case of telemaIcs or remote voIng, the funcIons provided for in paragraphs a) and b) shall
be carried out by electronic or audio visual means, with a record being made in the minutes both of
the idenIficaIon procedure used and the recording of the votes cast, including the Ime at which the
votes were cast.
ARTICLE 43. – VoIng.
1. In the event that there is only one candidature, which meets the established requirements, the
members will be proclaimed as head of the Presidency and members of the Board of Directors,
without the need for consItuIon of the Assembly and voIng.
When there are several valid candidacies, the elecIons will be held in the manner provided in
the following secIons.
2. VoIng will be carried out by means of free, equal, direct and secret suffrage of the persons
members of the Assembly with the right to vote, on single-size ballot papers provided by the
Commission Electoral, or by means of an electronic remote voIng system.
3. As the candidacies are closed and complete, the electors must choose any of the
them in their enIrety, annulling the votes that do not conform to this determinaIon.
4. The members of the Electoral Commission and the Board will exercise their right to vote in
last place.
5. Once the voIng is over, the votes will be counted in the presence of the persons
representaIves or controllers of each of the candidacies that have made use of this right.
The person in charge of the Presidency of the Table will read the result of the vote, being
The candidate with the highest number of votes is elected.
In the event of a Ie between two or more candidatures, a second vote will be held between them,
and so on unIl one of the candidates is elected.
6. The minutes referred to in secIon 3.c) of arIcle above, by the person in charge of the Secretariat
of the Electoral Table, who will sign it with the person in charge of the Presidency and the
representaIves of the candidates who have intervened in scruIny as interveners. Said Minutes will
be sent to the Electoral Commission.
ARTICLE 44. Claims and proclamaIon of the person holding the Presidency and the Board of
1. Complaints and incidents relaIng to the conduct of the voIng and the counIng of the votes shall
be decided by the Presiding Board, which shall record its decision in the minutes.
Complaints that are not upheld by the Presiding Board
The Electoral Commission, whose decisions may be challenged in accordance with the regulaIons in
2. Once the electoral process has been concluded, the elected candidature shall be displayed in the
physical and electronic headquarters of the enIty.
The successful candidate shall be communicated, where appropriate, to the corresponding
federaIon and to the General Directorate responsible for sports enIIes of the Andalusian Regional
ARTICLE 45. Term of office of the Board of Directors.
1. The term of office of the elected Board of Directors, which shall coincide with that of the person
holding the Presidency, shall be 4 years.
The term of office of the elected Board of Directors, which shall coincide with that of the President,
shall be 4 years as from its proclamaIon, and the members may be re-elected.
The person holding the Presidency may also be re-elected without limitaIon of the number of terms
of office unless the General Assembly of the club establishes the rule of limited terms of office, by
agreement adopted by the absolute majority of its members.
2. During the term of office of the Board of Directors, the person holding the Presidency, in the event
of vacancies, may appoint subsItutes who must be raIfied at the following General Assembly,
If so accepted by the Board of Directors, the number of its members may be increased or decreased,
always within the statutory limit, within the statutory limit, with subsequent raIficaIon by the
ARTICLE 46. Responsibility of officers and members.
The directors and members of the club, without prejudice to that established in the present statutes
disciplinary and sancIoning regime, will be responsible for injuries and damages caused to the club
by acts that are contrary to the law or to its statutes, or carried out without the minimum diligence
or care required, whether in the performance of their duIes or in their mere capacity as a member,
in accordance with current legislaIon.
ARTICLE 47. Responsibility for the adopIon of resoluIons.
The persons holding execuIve posiIons in the club will be responsible for the illegal agreements that
have been adopted by the club bodies in which they parIcipate, provided that the decision adopted
has had their approval.
ArIcle 48. Infringements and sancIons.
1. Members of the club may be sancIoned for non-compliance with the obligaIons derived from the
present statutes and other norms of the club, or for infringing the agreements of its bodies.
2. These disciplinary sancIons may consist of a reprimand, total or parIal suspension of their rights
for a period proporIonal to the seriousness of the offence commi`ed, removal from office in the
governing and administraIve bodies of the club, loss of membership, or expulsion from the club.
3. The imposiIon of the sancIon of loss of membership status shall only be applicable for the
very serious offences. The offence shall be classified as such in the following cases:
a) When deliberately and repeatedly impeding or obstrucIng the fulfilment of the club's social aims,
causing serious harm to the club.
b) When deliberately and repeatedly hindering and disrupIng the funcIoning of the governing or
management bodies of the club.
c) When the illicit conduct of a member of the club is considered especially reprehensible due to the
seriousness of the consequences for the club.
ArIcle 49. SancIoning body.
1. SancIons will be imposed on members of the club by agreement of the President in the case of
the dismissal of a member of the club.
Presidency in the case of removal from office in the governing and administraIve bodies of the club,
in accordance with the provisions of these statutes, or by agreement of the Board of Directors in all
other cases, following the corresponding proceedings, in which the person concerned must be
2. When the sancIon consists of the loss of membership or the removal from office in the governing
and administraIve bodies of the club, it must be raIfied or revoked by the first General Assembly
held aher the imposiIon of the sancIon.
3. An appeal against the resoluIons imposing sancIons may be lodged with the first General
Assembly held.
ArIcle 50. Disciplinary proceedings.
1. The person holding the office of President may order the person holding the office of Secretary,
prior to the commencement of the proceedings, to open a preliminary invesIgaIon to determine
the conduct that may be punishable. In the light of this, the person in charge of the Presidency shall
order the following to close the proceedings or to iniIate disciplinary proceedings.
2. Once the proceedings have been opened, the person in charge of the Secretariat shall send a
le`er to the interested party, in which he or she shall be informed of the charges against him or her,
and may present allegaIons, in defence of his or her right, within a period of defence of his or her
rights, within fiheen working days.
3. Once the allegaIons have been presented or the period for doing so has elapsed, the Secretary
shall transfer the file to the Board of Directors so that it may adopt a resoluIon on the ma`er,
a favourable vote of two thirds of its members is required when the sancIon of loss of membership
of the club. In the event of removal from office in the governing and administraIon of the club, the
agreement will be adopted by the person holding the Presidency, having heard the Board of
4. The resoluIon adopted will be noIfied to the person concerned, informing him/her that he/she
may lodge an appeal to the General Assembly within a period of fiheen working days, which will be
resolved at the first meeIng to be held.
ArIcle 51. Object of conciliaIon.
1. Any liIgious quesIon of a legal-sporIng nature of an internal nature, which concerns a ma`er of
ma`ers of free disposal in accordance with the law, arising between the members of the club, may
be the subject of extra-judicial conciliaIon and voluntarily submi`ed to the ConciliaIon Commi`ee.
2. Ma`ers that affect the sports sancIoning system and other ma`ers that, in accordance with the
law, may be submi`ed to the ConciliaIon Commi`ee, shall not be subject to conciliaIon.
and those others which, in accordance with current legislaIon, refer to very personal rights that are
not subject to free disposal.
ArIcle 52. The ConciliaIon Commi`ee.
1. The ConciliaIon Commi`ee shall be made up of the person holding the Presidency and two
members, with the appropriate and specific training in the ma`er, who shall be appointed, with an
equal number of subsItutes, by the General Assembly for a period of four years.
2. Its funcIons shall be to promote the resoluIon of any internal conflicts that may arise, through
conciliaIon between the parIes, adopIng those measures that guarantee the principles of
contradicIon, equality and hearing in the conciliaIon procedure and the voluntary execuIon of its
ArIcle 53. Request for conciliaIon.
Any person who expresses his willingness to submit a disputed ma`er to conciliaIon before the
ConciliaIon Commi`ee, must expressly request this in wriIng, staIng the facts of the case and the
reasons for the request, as well as the facts on which it is based and the legal grounds on which it
may be based, as well as the evidence proposed and the proposed evidence and the claims made in
the applicaIon. That statement shall be accompanied by a document staIng unequivocal desire to
submit to out-of-court conciliaIon.
ArIcle 54. Response to the request for conciliaIon.
The ConciliaIon Commi`ee, once it has received the request, shall transmit the same to the parIes
involved so that, within a period of fiheen working days, they may submit a reply. The reply shall
contain, in acceptance of the conciliaIon with the express menIon of the claims, allegaIons and,
where appropriate, the relevant evidence arising from the issues
or, on the contrary, opposiIon to the conciliaIon. In the la`er case, the proceedings shall be
terminated in the la`er case.
ArIcle 55. DisqualificaIon of the members of the ConciliaIon Commi`ee.
The members of the ConciliaIon Commi`ee may be disqualified for just cause, jusIfied.
If the challenge, which shall be decided by the Commi`ee itself, is accepted, the challenged persons
shall be replaced by their alternates.
The new appointments shall be noIfied to all persons involved in the conciliaIon procedure.
ArIcle 56. Taking of evidence and hearing.
1. Upon receipt of the unopposed reply to the conciliaIon proceedings, the ConciliaIon Commi`ee
shall then proceed to assess the statements of claim and defence, take such evidence as it deems
appropriate, and to summon all the parIes in a single act, so that, in a hearing held in person or
remotely, to present their arguments and provide the evidence they deem appropriate.
2. At this hearing, which shall be moderated by the person holding the office of Chairman of the
ConciliaIon Commi`ee, the parIes shall be given the opportunity to present their case.
ConciliaIon Commi`ee, the parIes shall be provided with a copy of the file processed up to that
ArIcle 57. ResoluIon.
1. ConciliaIon Commi`ee shall issue a decision on the conciliaIon file, which shall be noIfied to and
signed by the intervening parIes.
2. The conciliaIon decision shall be enforceable and shall be complied with within ten working days
of its noIficaIon.
ArIcle 58. DuraIon of the procedure.
The conciliaIon procedure shall have a maximum duraIon of two months, without prejudice to its
extended by express agreement of all the parIes.
ARTICLE 59. Assets of the club.
The assets of the club shall be made up of
a) The dues and other financial contribuIons of the members, as approved by the General Assembly.
in accordance with these statutes.
b) DonaIons, subsidies, sponsorships or any other extraordinary income received.
c) The economic benefits resulIng from the acIviIes of the Club.
d) Income, fruits or interest from its assets.
e) Movable or immovable property, securiIes and other rights held in the name of the enIty.
ARTICLE 60. - Financial Regime.
The enIty is subject to its own budget and assets with the following limitaIons.
(a) It may only use its assets for industrial, commercial, professional or service purposes, or engage in
acIviIes of the same nature, provided that any income is applied enIrely to the pursuit of its
corporate purpose.
profits among its members, although it may reduce the amount of the members' contribuIons or
quotas or membership fees or provide benefits related to the object of the club when the general
income and revenue permit, with sufficient accounIng jusIficaIon.
b) The enIre income of the enIty must be applied to the fulfilment of its corporate purpose.
c) The enIty may encumber and dispose of its assets, borrow money and issue transferable
securiIes represenIng debt or part of debt.
(c) The insItuIon may encumber and dispose of its assets, borrow money and issue transferable
securiIes represenIng debt or equity, provided that the following requirements are fulfilled
the following condiIons are met:
- Such operaIons may not jeopardise the assets of the enIty or the physical-sporIng acIvity that
consItutes the
- The securiIes shall be registered and intended for the club's members.
ARTICLE 61. Documentary and accounIng system.
1. The documentary and accounIng system of the enIty shall consist of the following books:
Members' Record Book, Minute Book
Register of Members, Minute Book and AccounIng Book.
2. The enIty's books must be previously cerIfied by the Andalusian Register of Sports EnIIes, and
shall be deposited at the registered office of the sports club, and shall be available for consultaIon
by the members.
3. The member may request to consult any of the books, by wriIng or sending an e-mail to the
Secretary of the club, without the need to jusIfy the reason for the request.
The request may only be refused if the interested party has requested the same consultaIon before
the expiry of a period of six months aher the previous request. The request must be expressly
answered, in wriIng or by e-mail addressed to the applicant, within a maximum of 10 days from the
day following its submission.
ARTICLE 62. Register of Members.
1. The Members' Register Book shall contain the name and surname of the members, sex,
NaIonal IdenIty Card or passport number, membership number and, where applicable, the
posiIons of representaIon, governance and administraIon they hold.
It shall also specify the dates and of membership and terminaIon of membership, as well as the
dates on which members take up and cease to hold the aforemenIoned posiIons.
2. Access to the Register of Members shall always be made in such a way as to guarantee respect for
the provisions of the regulaIons governing the established in the regulaIons governing the
protecIon of personal data.
3. A special secIon of the said Register Book shall contain a list of members of the club who are not
members, separated by category.
ARTICLE 63. Minute Book.
The Minute Book shall contain all the minutes of the meeIngs held by the General Assembly, the
Board of Directors and the Club.
General Assembly, as well as the Board of Directors and the other collegiate bodies of the enIty,
staIng the date, persons a`ending, ma`ers
the date, persons a`ending, ma`ers dealt with and resoluIons adopted, as well as the results of the
The minutes shall be signed in all cases by the person holding the Presidency and the person holding
the Secretariat, and in the case of the General MeeIng, by the President.
the Secretary, and in the case of minutes of the General Assembly, by the three persons referred to
in ArIcle 22.2 of the ArIcles of AssociaIon.
ARTICLE 64. AccounIng Book.
The AccounIng Book shall necessarily contain an extract of the annual budgets of the sports club,
with a list of the income and expenditure of the sporIng club, with a list of the club's income and
expenditure for each financial year, specifying the aid received from the Public AdministraIons,
without prejudice to any other obligatory content in accordance with the other mandatory content
in accordance with the applicable legislaIon.
ARTICLE 65. Reform of the ArIcles of AssociaIon.
1. These bylaws may only be amended by resoluIon of the Extraordinary General Assembly called
for this purpose, by means of a favourable vote of the absolute majority of the members.
2. The reform of these statutes shall be communicated to the Andalusian Register of Sports
OrganisaIons for registraIon.
Andalusian Register of Sports EnIIes.
ARTICLE 66. DissoluIon of the club.
1. The enIty shall be exInguished or dissolved for the following reasons:
a) By agreement of its General Assembly, convened for this purpose at the iniIaIve of the Board of
Directors, or at the request of at least twenty-five per cent of the members, with the express
inclusion of this point on the agenda.
The decision shall require a two-thirds majority of those present, represenIng the absolute majority
of the members.
b) By final judicial decision.
c) In the other cases provided for in the applicable regulaIons.
2. The exIncIon or dissoluIon of the enIty must be communicated to the General Directorate
competent of the Junta de Andalucía, for the cancellaIon of its registraIon in the Andalusian
Register of Sports EnIIes.
Andalusian Register of Sports EnIIes.
ARTICLE 67. DesInaIon of the net assets.
Once the enIty has been dissolved, the net assets, if any, shall be applied to non-profit making
purposes of a sporIng nature.
In any case, the provisions of Law 5/2016, of 19 July, on Sport in Andalusia, in
Decree 41/2022, of 8 March, which regulates the Sports EnIIes of Andalusia and which establishes
the structure and operaIng regime of the Andalusian Registry of Sports EnIIes, and other
development measures.
b) For non-payment of the established membership fees for three consecuIve months or four
months in a calendar year, with prior warning, hearing of the person concerned and by agreement of
the Board of Directors.
c) By agreement of the Board of Directors, based on very serious misconduct, aher the iniIaIon of a
file with a hearing of the person concerned, which shall be raIfied at the first General Assembly to
be held.
General Assembly to be held.
d) Death.
ARTICLE 15. Fees.
The fees to be paid by members shall be established by the General Assembly and shall be:
a) Ordinary:
- Admission.
- Periodical.
- For the use of faciliIes or services, where appropriate.
b) Extraordinary or special: those that are excepIonally established
ARTICLE 16. Governing and administraIve bodies.
1. The enIty shall be governed by the following governing and administraIve bodies:
a) The General Assembly.
b) The Board of Directors.
c) The person holding the Presidency.
d) The person in charge of the Secretariat
e) The Electoral Commission.
All of the above, without prejudice to the possible creaIon by the Board of Directors of Commissions
or other organs that it deems necessary for the achievement and be`er development of the aims of
the enIty, which, in no case, may undermine the competences of the aforemenIoned bodies.
2. The General Assembly may create an IntervenIon or IntervenIon Commission, for the economic
and accounIng control of the club.
ARTICLE 17. The General Assembly.
1. The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the enIty. It is made up of all
members as well as a representaIon of the other members of the sports club, if any, in the form of
one member for each category, elected by and from among the members of the club.
2. All members of the Assembly shall be eligible without excepIon for elecIon to the following
offices all members of the Assembly may be elected without excepIon to office, provided that they
have at least one year's seniority as a member of the Club (except in the case of a
members of the club (except in the case of the consItuIon of the enIty), and they shall also enjoy
the other rights to which they are enItled by virtue of the rights that correspond to them by virtue
of the legal provisions in force on the ma`er.
ARTICLE 18. FuncIons of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly shall be responsible for
a) To elect, from among its members, the person holding the Presidency and the Board of Directors,
by free, equal, direct and secret suffrage of its members, and to vote, where appropriate, on the
moIon of censure..
b) To raIfy, in accordance with the provisions of ArIcle 45.2 of the ArIcles of AssociaIon, with the
same requirements, appointments made by the Presidency to the composiIon of the Board of
Directors during its term of office.
during its term of office, as well as any increase or decrease in the number of its members.
c) To elect the members of the Electoral Commission.
d) Approve the Club's income and expenditure budget.
e) To approve, if appropriate, the annual report and the se`lement of the club's accounts.
f) To approve, if appropriate, the proposals of the Board of Directors.
g) To study and resolve any proposals made in wriIng by its members, which must be presented at
least 15 days prior to the date of the General Assembly, endorsed by at least one member of the
Board of Directors.
General Assembly, endorsed by at least 5% of its members.
h) To establish the condiIons and form of admission of new members and to agree on the amounts
of the fees to be paid by the members of the AssociaIon.
to be paid by the members of the Club.
i) To dispose of, encumber and dispose of the real estate of the enIty, borrow money and issue
transferable securiIes represenIng debt or part of the assets.
j) To create services for the benefit of the members.
k) To raIfy or revoke the loss of membership by sancIon.
l) Resolve any appeals lodged against the sancIoning resoluIons of the Board of Directors.
m) To approve modificaIons to the present statutes, as well as the club's regulaIons and their
n) To create, if deemed necessary, an IntervenIon or IntervenIon Commission and to designate its
o) AppoinIng the members and subsItutes of the ConciliaIon Commi`ee for the resoluIon of
internal legal-sports conflicts.
p) To determine the number of members of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions
of these statutes.
q) However, in full compliance with these statutes and for jusIfied reasons that require it, the Board
of Directors may adopt a code of good governance code, which must be submi`ed for debate,
raIficaIon or modificaIon at the first General Assembly to be held.
ARTICLE 19. Sessions of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly shall meet
a) In ordinary session, at least once a year, to approve the annual budgets, ordinary fees, as well as
the annual report and se`lement of the accounts for the previous year.
b) In extraordinary session, for the modificaIon of the statutes, approval and modificaIon of the
bylaws, of the AssociaIon.
dissoluIon and liquidaIon of the enIty, elecIon of the President and the Board of Directors, and the
President and the Board of Directors, borrowing money, issuance of transferable securiIes
represenIng of debt or equity, disposal of immovable property,
fixing of extraordinary quotas, or when requested by at least 25% members, who must state in the
corresponding wri`en document the items whose inclusion in the agenda they request.
ARTICLE 20. - Calling of General MeeIngs.
1. General Assemblies shall be convened by the person holding the Presidency, at his/her own
iniIaIve, at the request of the Board of Directors or when requested by at least 25% of the
In the la`er case, the Agenda shall contain, as a minimum, the points to be indicated in the wri`en
request for the meeIng to be convened.
2. The General Assemblies shall be convened by the person holding the Presidency at least 10 days
before they are to be held, by means of direct communicaIon of the noIce of meeIng to its
components by e-mail and noIce posted on the Club's website, or in the absence of a website,
noIce on the noIce board at the registered office of the enIty. AddiIonal means of electronic or
convenIonal communicaIon may also be used. The communicaIon must include the necessary
documentaIon on the items on the agenda to be dealt with.
3. The noIce shall state the agenda and the date and Ime at which the General Assembly, on first
and second call. It shall also expressly state whether the General Assembly be held in person or
remotely, and if so, the idenIficaIon of the means, form of access and condiIons for its
condiIons of its development.
ARTICLE 21. ConsItuIon of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly, both ordinary and extraordinary, shall be validly consItuted at the first call
when half plus one of its members are present or represented; At second call, the presence of one
quarter of its members shall be sufficient.
ARTICLE 22. Holding of the General Assembly.
1. The General Assembly shall be chaired by the person holding the office of President of the Club.
of the club.
2. The General Assembly, whether ordinary or extraordinary, shall begin with a count of those
persons in a`endance. Once the ma`ers on the Agenda have been debated and resolved, the
following will take place three of the persons making up the Assembly shall be designated to approve
the minutes and sign them on behalf of the others, together with the person holding the office of
President and the person holding the office of Secretary.
The minutes shall state the date, place and Ime of the meeIng, the manner in which the meeIng
was held, whether in person or remotely, the list of a`endees, the number of members present and
the number of a`endees., the content of the resoluIons adopted and the results of any votes cast, if
ARTICLE 23. AdopIon of resoluIons by the General Assembly.
1. In order to adopt resoluIons, the General MeeIng must be duly convened.
2. ResoluIons shall be passed by a simple majority of the members present, except for the
borrowing of money, the disposal or alienaIon of immovable property, or the request for the
declaraIon, for the applicaIon for a declaraIon of public uIlity and for amendments to the ArIcles
of AssociaIon, in which case the vote in shall require the favourable vote of an absolute majority of
the members of the assembly.
For the issuance of transferable securiIes represenIng debt or equity, the following shall be required
a favourable vote by a two-thirds majority of the members of the General Assembly. For the
dissoluIon of the enIty shall require the favourable vote of a two-thirds majority of those present,
represenIng the absolute majority of the members of the General Assembly.. Qualified majoriIes
shall also be required for any other ma`ers established by current legislaIon or these bylaws.
ARTICLE 24. The Board of Directors.
1. As the governing and management body of the club there shall be a Board of Directors, which
shall be made up of a number of members of no less than three and no more than twenty, headed
by the person who holds the Presidency of the enIty and which shall also include, as a minimum, a
Vice-Presidency, a Secretary and a Secretary's Office, Vice-Presidency, a Secretariat and a Treasury,
and there may also be such memberships as may be established.
2. On the proposal of the person holding the Presidency, the Board of Directors shall be elected by,
by free, direct and secret ballot, by and among the members of the Assembly, without prejudice to
the provisions of arIcle 31.1 of these statutes, in relaIon to the appointment of the Secretary.
3. It shall be incompaIble, in any case, to hold or exercise the office of the Presidency or Vice-
Presidency with any other posiIon on the Board of Directors. It shall also be incompaIble to be a
member of the Board of Directors of the Club with any other posiIon of the Board of Directors of the
club with the membership of this governing body in another club of the same sport modality.
4. In order to hold any of the posiIons on the Board of Directors, it is necessary to have the condiIon
of person who has been a member of the enIty for at least one year (except in the case of
consItuIon of the club).
5. The term of office of the Board of Directors shall be four years, without prejudice to the provisions
of ArIcle 36.1 c) of these statutes.
ArIcle 36.1 c) of these statutes.
6. The Board of Directors may appoint and remove a person as a Manager, who need not be a
member of the Club and who shall be responsible for the material execuIon and implementaIon of
the Club's acIviIes of the agreements adopted by the General Assembly, carrying out all the tasks
entrusted to him/her by the Board and coordinaIng all the services and acIviIes of the enIty. The
person in charge of the Management shall a`end the meeIngs of the Board of Directors, with the
right to speak but not to vote.
7. The exercise of the posts in the governing and representaIve bodies of the club will be free of
charge, except when, due to the dedicaIon required or other jusIfied circumstances, it may be of a
remunerated nature. In these cases, the General Assembly, by an absolute majority of its members,
may approve a specific economic amount, which shall be made public to the members.
ARTICLE 25. Legal representaIon of the club.
The person holding the Presidency and, failing that, the Vice-Presidency, under the terms of arIcle
30 of the statutes, or such other persons as may be determined by agreement of the Board of
Directors, shall be the legal representaIves of the club, acIng on its behalf.
ARTICLE 26. FuncIoning of the Board of Directors.
1. The Board of Directors shall meet in ordinary session, at least quarterly and, extraordinarily,
whenever the Board of Directors so decides, or by the person holding the Presidency or at the
request of one third of the members.
The Board of Directors may meet in person or remotely, by electronic or audio visual means.
2. The Board of Directors shall be validly consItuted on first call when the majority of the members
of the Board of Directors are present; at second call, minimum number of persons present, provided
that the person holding the office of President or the person holding the office of
the person holding the office of Vice-Chairman and the person holding the office of Secretary or the
person replacing him/her are present. It shall be also validly consItuted when all the members of the
Commi`ee are present and unanimously agree to do so, even if they do not unanimously agreed,
even if no prior noIce has been given.
3. The Board of Directors shall be convened by the person holding its Presidency at least 48 hours
prior to the date on which it is to be held. The call shall be communicated to all members of the
Board of Directors by e-mail, without prejudice to its communicaIon by the same or other
or other means to other persons, when deemed appropriate.
ARTICLE 27. FuncIons of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall be responsible for carrying out any acts related to the acIvity of the
organisaIon, with no other limitaIons than those deriving from the applicable regulaIons and these
In parIcular, it is the duty of the Board of Directors:
a) Interpret the statutes, regulaIons and other provisions of the enIty, and ensure their exact
a) To interpret the statutes, regulaIons and other provisions of the enIty, and to ensure their exact
b) To execute the agreements adopted by the General Assembly.
c) To adopt the agreements necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes of the enIty, as well as to
establish the perInent means and procedures for this purpose.
d) To supervise the economic and administraIve regime.
e) To propose to the General Assembly the amount of the contribuIons of the members and other
members of the Club, by way of ordinary or extraordinary fees, or other contribuIons.
f) To create the Commissions it deems necessary for the fulfilment of the aims of the enIty.
g) To organise and direct the services of the enIty, as appoinIng and dismissing the personnel
required to a`end to them.
g) To organise and direct the services of the enIty, as well as to appoint and dismiss the personnel
required to provide them, and to sancIon them if necessary.
h) To propose to the General Assembly the condiIons and form of admission of new members, to
agree on their separaIon and to impose the appropriate sancIons on members of the Club, in
accordance with the provisions of these statutes.
i) To draw up the budget, the annual report and the annual accounts of the enIty.
j) The contracIng of services in general.
k) Other ma`ers not expressly entrusted to the General Assembly or to the person holding the
ARTICLE 28. The Presidency.
1. The person holding the Presidency of the Club, who will also be the President of the General
Assembly and of the Board of Directors, will be elected by free, equal, direct and secret suffrage, by
and from amongst the members of the General Assembly.
2. The term of office of the incumbent of the Presidency shall be four years, without prejudice to the
provisions of arIcle 36.1 c) of these statutes.
3. If during the term of office of the Board of Directors the incumbent of the Presidency should cease
to hold office for any reason, except in the event of early elecIons or an approved moIon of
censure, the person holding the office of the Vice-Presidency shall temporarily take over his or her
funcIons, and an Extraordinary General Assembly shall be held within a maximum of three months.
Extraordinary General Assembly must be held within a maximum period of two months, in order to
proceed to the elecIon the new President and Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions
of arIcle 36 of these statutes.
ARTICLE 29. FuncIons of the person holding the Presidency.
The duIes of the person holding the office of President shall be as follows:
a) To convene the General Assembly and the Board of Directors and to chair both.
b) To represent the organisaIon before all kinds of public and private bodies.
c) To ensure compliance with the statutes, the agreements of the General Assembly and of the Board
of Directors.
d) To sign, together with the Secretary, the Minutes of the meeIngs of the club's collegiate bodies of
the Club.
e) To draw up, together with the Board of Directors, the drah budget, the annual report and the
annual accounts.
f) To carry out the funcIons and fulfil the duIes that are proper to him/her, in accordance with these
g) To temporarily fill vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors.
h) To exercise its funcIons in disciplinary and sancIoning ma`ers, under the terms set out in these
ARTICLE 30. The Vice-Presidency.
The Vice-presidency shall be held by the person holding the office of Vice-president in the event of
Presidency in the event of absence, vacancy or illness of the la`er, under the terms provided for in
these statutes.
ARTICLE 31. The Secretariat.
1. The Secretary of the Club will be a person chosen by the Presidency from amongst the members of
the Board of Directors, and will act as Secretary of this body and of the General Assembly;
He/she shall a`end the meeIngs with the right to speak and vote.
2. He/she shall be responsible for issuing cerIficaIons with the approval of the Presidency, direcIng
administraIve running of the Club, keeping the Club's books and custody of its archives.
3. In the event of absence, vacancy or illness, he/she shall be replaced by the youngest member of
the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 32. The Treasury.
1. The Treasurer of the Board of Directors shall be the custodian of the organisaIon's funds.
The duIes of the Treasurer's Office are as follows.
a) To collect, safeguard and deposit the funds in the place and in the manner determined by the
Board of Directors.
b) To make the payments authorised by the person holding the Presidency in the name of the enIty,
as well as to intervene in them.
c) To manage the accounts, as well as to keep and maintain the accounIng books.
d) To sign current account documents with the person holding the Presidency.
2. In the event of absence, vacancy or illness, he/she shall be subsItuted by the first member of the
Board of Directors.
3. If no provision has been made by the Board of Directors to fill the post of Treasurer, the duIes of
the Treasurer shall be exercised temporarily by the person holding the post of Secretary.
ARTICLE 33. Other members of the Board of Directors.
Independently of their parIcipaIon in the governance of the enIty as members of the Board of
Directors, the members of the Board of Directors may exercise their funcIons under the dependence
and by mandate of the Board, to which they will propose their iniIaIves, the management of
commissions for specific ma`ers relaIng to the aims of the club..
ARTICLE 34. The Electoral Commission.
The Electoral Commission is the body responsible for the promoIon and control of the electoral
processes for the governing and representaIve bodies.
ARTICLE 35. ElecIon of the President and the Board of Directors.
1. The person holding the office of President and the Board of Directors of the organisaIon shall be
elected at an Extraordinary General Assembly, by General Assembly, by free, equal, direct and secret
ballot, by and among the members of the General Assembly.
2. The candidatures for the elecIon of the Board of Directors, which shall be closed and complete,
shall include, in addiIon to a list of its members, the posiIon that each person is to hold.
ARTICLE 36. Electoral procedure.
1. The elecIon of the person holding the office of President and of the Board of Directors shall take
place in the following cases
1. following cases:
a) By expiry of the term of office of the incumbent of the Presidency and of the Board of Directors.
b) By resignaIon or resignaIon, death, disqualificaIon or incapacity of the person holding the
Presidency who has headed the candidature.
c) By a vote of no confidence in the incumbent of the Presidency approved at an Extraordinary
General Assembly called for this purpose.
Extraordinary General Assembly called for this purpose, at the request of at least twenty-five per
cent of its members, by an absolute majority of the same. The moIon of censure must include a
candidate for the Presidency of the club and the proposed composiIon of the Board of Directors If
the moIon of censure is passed, the incumbent of the Presidency and the proposed Board of
Directors will be the confidence of the General Assembly and their term of office will be extended
unIl the convocaIon of the electoral process, which will take place at the end of the four-year period
resulIng from the previous elecIons.
d) Due to the calling of early elecIons by the person holding the Presidency of the Club.
e) When, due to resignaIon or resignaIon, death, disqualificaIon or incapacity, Board of Directors
has been reduced in such a way that it cannot duly exercise its funcIons.
2. The opening of the electoral procedure shall be agreed at an Extraordinary General Assembly held
for this purpose. In any case, this resoluIon shall contain the composiIon of the Electoral
Commission elected.
With the opening of the electoral procedure, the term of office of the incumbent of the
of the Presidency and of the Board of Directors, both bodies being consItuted as a Management
Board, except in the case provided for in
in secIon 36.1 b), in which case the Management Board shall be made up of the remaining members
of the Board of Directors that members of the Board of Directors who have completed their term of
office shall compose the Management Board. If any member of the Board
were to form part of the candidatures for the elecIon of the Board of Directors, they must first leave
the Management Board.
In the event that the person holding the office of President of the sports club is standing re-elecIon,
the Management Board shall designate from among its members a person to hold the Presidency,
who shall be the President of the same.
Presidency, who will act as President of the sports club unIl the proclamaIon of the new President.
The Management Board is the body in charge of administering the sports club during the electoral
procedure, and its Presidency is the acIng Presidency of the club itself unIl the end of the elecIons.
The Management Board ceases in its funcIons with the definiIve proclamaIon of the person
holding the Presidency and the Board of Directors of the sports club.
3. For these purposes, the person holding the Presidency of the enIty will propose the opening of
the electoral procedure by means of a communicaIon to the members of the General Assembly, so
as to ensure in such a way as to ensure the necessary disseminaIon and knowledge, will call this
Extraordinary Assembly,
The following points shall be specified in the call as items on the Agenda:
a) Electoral calendar, which shall include:
- Calling of the electoral process.
- Deadline for challenges to the census and their resoluIon.
- Deadline for the presentaIon of candidacies.
- Deadline for admission and proclamaIon of candidacies.
- Deadline for challenges and their resoluIon.
- Date of the Extraordinary General Assembly for the holding of elecIons and voIng Imetable.
- Deadline for claims against the voIng and its incidents.
- Deadline for the resoluIon of claims and proclamaIon of the incumbent of the Presidency and the
Board of Directors.
b) ElecIon of the members of the Electoral Commission.
c) ElecIon, where appropriate, of a Management Board to replace the Board of Directors during the
electoral process.
ARTICLE 37. Bodies of the electoral process.
The bodies of the electoral process are the Electoral Commission and the Electoral Table.
ARTICLE 38. ComposiIon of the Electoral Commission.
1. The General Assembly, when agreeing to the opening of the electoral process, shall elect three
people members of the same who are not going to present their candidacy to form part of the
Electoral Commission as full members, and three others as subsItutes.
As full members, and three others to replace them.
Should any of them, aher their appointment as a member of the Electoral Commission, decide to
stand for elecIon as a candidate,
decides to join any candidacy, he/she shall automaIcally cease to be a member of the Electoral
Commission, and shall be replaced by another three as subsItutes.
The first of the subsItutes shall replace him/her as a member of the said Commission.
2. The Presidency of the Electoral Commission shall be exercised by the oldest member and the
Secretariat by the youngest.
3. ResoluIons shall be adopted by majority vote of the persons a`ending, with Ies being decided by
the vote of the person holding the office of President shall decide in the event of a Ie.
ARTICLE 39. FuncIons of the Electoral Commission.
The Electoral Commission shall be the body responsible for promoIng, direcIng and controlling the
electoral processes and shall have at least the following duIes:
a) To approve the electoral roll.
b) To admit the candidacies.
c) To resolve challenges, complaints and any other incidents that may arise in relaIon to the
development of the electoral process.
d) ProclamaIon and publicaIon of the winning candidature on the Club's website in a prominent
place, and failing this, on the Club's website in a prominent place, and failing this, on the Club's
noIce board .
ARTICLE 40. Requirements for candidatures.
1. The requirements to be a candidate are as follows:
a) Be of Spanish naIonality or be a resident foreigner.
b) Have reached the age of majority.
c) The person must be in full use of his civil rights and not be subject to a disciplinary sancIon that
disqualifies him from
d) Be a member of the Assembly with a minimum of one year's uninterrupted seniority in the club
(except in the case of the consItuIon of the enIty).
e) Not to be a member of the Board of Directors of another sports club of the same modality.
f) To present the candidature with the endorsement indicated below, a`aching a wri`en acceptance
of all the candidates who are members of the club.
2. The candidatures shall be presented to the Electoral Commission in closed and complete lists,
specifying the posiIon for which each person included in the list is standing, in accordance with the
provisions of these statutes, with the following informaIon
with the endorsement of a minimum of 10% of the assembly members.
The members of the Assembly who endorse the candidacies shall state their full name and surname,
membership number, if applicable, and shall a`ach a copy of their idenIty card or passport.
No one may present or endorse more than one candidacy. In the event of duplicate signatures, they
shall be considered as not having been submi`ed.
3. If there is no candidature or if those presented do not meet the established requirements,
the Management Board shall conInue in its funcIons and, with the agreement of the Electoral
Commission, shall formalise, within a minimum of 15 days and a maximum of 30 days, a new
electoral calendar.
ARTICLE 41. Right to vote.
In the elecIon of the President and the Board of Directors, the following shall have the right to vote
The members of the General Assembly, over 18 years of age, who have the capacity to act, shall have
the right to vote.
ARTICLE 42. The Electoral Table.
1. Once the Extraordinary General Assembly has been consItuted for the elecIon of the person
holding the Presidency and the Board of Directors of the enIty, a draw shall be made by lot among
the members of the Assembly who do not form part of any candidacy, for the designaIon of the
three persons who will compose the members of the Electoral Table.
2. The ElecIon Table shall then be consItuted and shall be presided over by the oldest of the elected
3. The funcIons of the Electoral Table are as follows:
a) To verify the idenIty of the voters.
b) To collect the ballot papers and deposit them in the ballot box prepared for this purpose, which
must be duly closed.
c) the number of voters, the number of valid votes cast, invalid votes, the result of the voIng and any
incidents that may occur.
d) Forward a copy of the minutes within 24 hours to the Electoral Commission.
4. In the case of telemaIcs or remote voIng, the funcIons provided for in paragraphs a) and b) shall
be carried out by electronic or audio visual means, with a record being made in the minutes both of
the idenIficaIon procedure used and the recording of the votes cast, including the Ime at which the
votes were cast.
ARTICLE 43. – VoIng.
1. In the event that there is only one candidature, which meets the established requirements, the
members will be proclaimed as head of the Presidency and members of the Board of Directors,
without the need for consItuIon of the Assembly and voIng.
When there are several valid candidacies, the elecIons will be held in the manner provided in
the following secIons.
2. VoIng will be carried out by means of free, equal, direct and secret suffrage of the persons
members of the Assembly with the right to vote, on single-size ballot papers provided by the
Commission Electoral, or by means of an electronic remote voIng system.
3. As the candidacies are closed and complete, the electors must choose any of the
them in their enIrety, annulling the votes that do not conform to this determinaIon.
4. The members of the Electoral Commission and the Board will exercise their right to vote in
last place.
5. Once the voIng is over, the votes will be counted in the presence of the persons
representaIves or controllers of each of the candidacies that have made use of this right.
The person in charge of the Presidency of the Table will read the result of the vote, being
The candidate with the highest number of votes is elected.
In the event of a Ie between two or more candidatures, a second vote will be held between them,
and so on unIl one of the candidates is elected.
6. The minutes referred to in secIon 3.c) of arIcle above, by the person in charge of the Secretariat
of the Electoral Table, who will sign it with the person in charge of the Presidency and the
representaIves of the candidates who have intervened in scruIny as interveners. Said Minutes will
be sent to the Electoral Commission.
ARTICLE 44. Claims and proclamaIon of the person holding the Presidency and the Board of
1. Complaints and incidents relaIng to the conduct of the voIng and the counIng of the votes shall
be decided by the Presiding Board, which shall record its decision in the minutes.
Complaints that are not upheld by the Presiding Board
The Electoral Commission, whose decisions may be challenged in accordance with the regulaIons in
2. Once the electoral process has been concluded, the elected candidature shall be displayed in the
physical and electronic headquarters of the enIty.
The successful candidate shall be communicated, where appropriate, to the corresponding
federaIon and to the General Directorate responsible for sports enIIes of the Andalusian Regional
ARTICLE 45. Term of office of the Board of Directors.
1. The term of office of the elected Board of Directors, which shall coincide with that of the person
holding the Presidency, shall be 4 years.
The term of office of the elected Board of Directors, which shall coincide with that of the President,
shall be 4 years as from its proclamaIon, and the members may be re-elected.
The person holding the Presidency may also be re-elected without limitaIon of the number of terms
of office unless the General Assembly of the club establishes the rule of limited terms of office, by
agreement adopted by the absolute majority of its members.
2. During the term of office of the Board of Directors, the person holding the Presidency, in the event
of vacancies, may appoint subsItutes who must be raIfied at the following General Assembly,
If so accepted by the Board of Directors, the number of its members may be increased or decreased,
always within the statutory limit, within the statutory limit, with subsequent raIficaIon by the
ARTICLE 46. Responsibility of officers and members.
The directors and members of the club, without prejudice to that established in the present statutes
disciplinary and sancIoning regime, will be responsible for injuries and damages caused to the club
by acts that are contrary to the law or to its statutes, or carried out without the minimum diligence
or care required, whether in the performance of their duIes or in their mere capacity as a member,
in accordance with current legislaIon.
ARTICLE 47. Responsibility for the adopIon of resoluIons.
The persons holding execuIve posiIons in the club will be responsible for the illegal agreements that
have been adopted by the club bodies in which they parIcipate, provided that the decision adopted
has had their approval.
ArIcle 48. Infringements and sancIons.
1. Members of the club may be sancIoned for non-compliance with the obligaIons derived from the
present statutes and other norms of the club, or for infringing the agreements of its bodies.
2. These disciplinary sancIons may consist of a reprimand, total or parIal suspension of their rights
for a period proporIonal to the seriousness of the offence commi`ed, removal from office in the
governing and administraIve bodies of the club, loss of membership, or expulsion from the club.
3. The imposiIon of the sancIon of loss of membership status shall only be applicable for the
very serious offences. The offence shall be classified as such in the following cases:
a) When deliberately and repeatedly impeding or obstrucIng the fulfilment of the club's social aims,
causing serious harm to the club.
b) When deliberately and repeatedly hindering and disrupIng the funcIoning of the governing or
management bodies of the club.
c) When the illicit conduct of a member of the club is considered especially reprehensible due to the
seriousness of the consequences for the club.
ArIcle 49. SancIoning body.
1. SancIons will be imposed on members of the club by agreement of the President in the case of
the dismissal of a member of the club.
Presidency in the case of removal from office in the governing and administraIve bodies of the club,
in accordance with the provisions of these statutes, or by agreement of the Board of Directors in all
other cases, following the corresponding proceedings, in which the person concerned must be
2. When the sancIon consists of the loss of membership or the removal from office in the governing
and administraIve bodies of the club, it must be raIfied or revoked by the first General Assembly
held aher the imposiIon of the sancIon.
3. An appeal against the resoluIons imposing sancIons may be lodged with the first General
Assembly held.
ArIcle 50. Disciplinary proceedings.
1. The person holding the office of President may order the person holding the office of Secretary,
prior to the commencement of the proceedings, to open a preliminary invesIgaIon to determine
the conduct that may be punishable. In the light of this, the person in charge of the Presidency shall
order the following to close the proceedings or to iniIate disciplinary proceedings.
2. Once the proceedings have been opened, the person in charge of the Secretariat shall send a
le`er to the interested party, in which he or she shall be informed of the charges against him or her,
and may present allegaIons, in defence of his or her right, within a period of defence of his or her
rights, within fiheen working days.
3. Once the allegaIons have been presented or the period for doing so has elapsed, the Secretary
shall transfer the file to the Board of Directors so that it may adopt a resoluIon on the ma`er,
a favourable vote of two thirds of its members is required when the sancIon of loss of membership
of the club. In the event of removal from office in the governing and administraIon of the club, the
agreement will be adopted by the person holding the Presidency, having heard the Board of
4. The resoluIon adopted will be noIfied to the person concerned, informing him/her that he/she
may lodge an appeal to the General Assembly within a period of fiheen working days, which will be
resolved at the first meeIng to be held.
ArIcle 51. Object of conciliaIon.
1. Any liIgious quesIon of a legal-sporIng nature of an internal nature, which concerns a ma`er of
ma`ers of free disposal in accordance with the law, arising between the members of the club, may
be the subject of extra-judicial conciliaIon and voluntarily submi`ed to the ConciliaIon Commi`ee.
2. Ma`ers that affect the sports sancIoning system and other ma`ers that, in accordance with the
law, may be submi`ed to the ConciliaIon Commi`ee, shall not be subject to conciliaIon.
and those others which, in accordance with current legislaIon, refer to very personal rights that are
not subject to free disposal.
ArIcle 52. The ConciliaIon Commi`ee.
1. The ConciliaIon Commi`ee shall be made up of the person holding the Presidency and two
members, with the appropriate and specific training in the ma`er, who shall be appointed, with an
equal number of subsItutes, by the General Assembly for a period of four years.
2. Its funcIons shall be to promote the resoluIon of any internal conflicts that may arise, through
conciliaIon between the parIes, adopIng those measures that guarantee the principles of
contradicIon, equality and hearing in the conciliaIon procedure and the voluntary execuIon of its
ArIcle 53. Request for conciliaIon.
Any person who expresses his willingness to submit a disputed ma`er to conciliaIon before the
ConciliaIon Commi`ee, must expressly request this in wriIng, staIng the facts of the case and the
reasons for the request, as well as the facts on which it is based and the legal grounds on which it
may be based, as well as the evidence proposed and the proposed evidence and the claims made in
the applicaIon. That statement shall be accompanied by a document staIng unequivocal desire to
submit to out-of-court conciliaIon.
ArIcle 54. Response to the request for conciliaIon.
The ConciliaIon Commi`ee, once it has received the request, shall transmit the same to the parIes
involved so that, within a period of fiheen working days, they may submit a reply. The reply shall
contain, in acceptance of the conciliaIon with the express menIon of the claims, allegaIons and,
where appropriate, the relevant evidence arising from the issues
or, on the contrary, opposiIon to the conciliaIon. In the la`er case, the proceedings shall be
terminated in the la`er case.
ArIcle 55. DisqualificaIon of the members of the ConciliaIon Commi`ee.
The members of the ConciliaIon Commi`ee may be disqualified for just cause, jusIfied.
If the challenge, which shall be decided by the Commi`ee itself, is accepted, the challenged persons
shall be replaced by their alternates.
The new appointments shall be noIfied to all persons involved in the conciliaIon procedure.
ArIcle 56. Taking of evidence and hearing.
1. Upon receipt of the unopposed reply to the conciliaIon proceedings, the ConciliaIon Commi`ee
shall then proceed to assess the statements of claim and defence, take such evidence as it deems
appropriate, and to summon all the parIes in a single act, so that, in a hearing held in person or
remotely, to present their arguments and provide the evidence they deem appropriate.
2. At this hearing, which shall be moderated by the person holding the office of Chairman of the
ConciliaIon Commi`ee, the parIes shall be given the opportunity to present their case.
ConciliaIon Commi`ee, the parIes shall be provided with a copy of the file processed up to that
ArIcle 57. ResoluIon.
1. ConciliaIon Commi`ee shall issue a decision on the conciliaIon file, which shall be noIfied to and
signed by the intervening parIes.
2. The conciliaIon decision shall be enforceable and shall be complied with within ten working days
of its noIficaIon.
ArIcle 58. DuraIon of the procedure.
The conciliaIon procedure shall have a maximum duraIon of two months, without prejudice to its
extended by express agreement of all the parIes.
ARTICLE 59. Assets of the club.
The assets of the club shall be made up of
a) The dues and other financial contribuIons of the members, as approved by the General Assembly.
in accordance with these statutes.
b) DonaIons, subsidies, sponsorships or any other extraordinary income received.
c) The economic benefits resulIng from the acIviIes of the Club.
d) Income, fruits or interest from its assets.
e) Movable or immovable property, securiIes and other rights held in the name of the enIty.
ARTICLE 60. - Financial Regime.
The enIty is subject to its own budget and assets with the following limitaIons.
(a) It may only use its assets for industrial, commercial, professional or service purposes, or engage in
acIviIes of the same nature, provided that any income is applied enIrely to the pursuit of its
corporate purpose.
profits among its members, although it may reduce the amount of the members' contribuIons or
quotas or membership fees or provide benefits related to the object of the club when the general
income and revenue permit, with sufficient accounIng jusIficaIon.
b) The enIre income of the enIty must be applied to the fulfilment of its corporate purpose.
c) The enIty may encumber and dispose of its assets, borrow money and issue transferable
securiIes represenIng debt or part of debt.
(c) The insItuIon may encumber and dispose of its assets, borrow money and issue transferable
securiIes represenIng debt or equity, provided that the following requirements are fulfilled
the following condiIons are met:
- Such operaIons may not jeopardise the assets of the enIty or the physical-sporIng acIvity that
consItutes the
- The securiIes shall be registered and intended for the club's members.
ARTICLE 61. Documentary and accounIng system.
1. The documentary and accounIng system of the enIty shall consist of the following books:
Members' Record Book, Minute Book
Register of Members, Minute Book and AccounIng Book.
2. The enIty's books must be previously cerIfied by the Andalusian Register of Sports EnIIes, and
shall be deposited at the registered office of the sports club, and shall be available for consultaIon
by the members.
3. The member may request to consult any of the books, by wriIng or sending an e-mail to the
Secretary of the club, without the need to jusIfy the reason for the request.
The request may only be refused if the interested party has requested the same consultaIon before
the expiry of a period of six months aher the previous request. The request must be expressly
answered, in wriIng or by e-mail addressed to the applicant, within a maximum of 10 days from the
day following its submission.
ARTICLE 62. Register of Members.
1. The Members' Register Book shall contain the name and surname of the members, sex,
NaIonal IdenIty Card or passport number, membership number and, where applicable, the
posiIons of representaIon, governance and administraIon they hold.
It shall also specify the dates and of membership and terminaIon of membership, as well as the
dates on which members take up and cease to hold the aforemenIoned posiIons.
2. Access to the Register of Members shall always be made in such a way as to guarantee respect for
the provisions of the regulaIons governing the established in the regulaIons governing the
protecIon of personal data.
3. A special secIon of the said Register Book shall contain a list of members of the club who are not
members, separated by category.
ARTICLE 63. Minute Book.
The Minute Book shall contain all the minutes of the meeIngs held by the General Assembly, the
Board of Directors and the Club.
General Assembly, as well as the Board of Directors and the other collegiate bodies of the enIty,
staIng the date, persons a`ending, ma`ers
the date, persons a`ending, ma`ers dealt with and resoluIons adopted, as well as the results of the
The minutes shall be signed in all cases by the person holding the Presidency and the person holding
the Secretariat, and in the case of the General MeeIng, by the President.
the Secretary, and in the case of minutes of the General Assembly, by the three persons referred to
in ArIcle 22.2 of the ArIcles of AssociaIon.
ARTICLE 64. AccounIng Book.
The AccounIng Book shall necessarily contain an extract of the annual budgets of the sports club,
with a list of the income and expenditure of the sporIng club, with a list of the club's income and
expenditure for each financial year, specifying the aid received from the Public AdministraIons,
without prejudice to any other obligatory content in accordance with the other mandatory content
in accordance with the applicable legislaIon.
ARTICLE 65. Reform of the ArIcles of AssociaIon.
1. These bylaws may only be amended by resoluIon of the Extraordinary General Assembly called
for this purpose, by means of a favourable vote of the absolute majority of the members.
2. The reform of these statutes shall be communicated to the Andalusian Register of Sports
OrganisaIons for registraIon.
Andalusian Register of Sports EnIIes.
ARTICLE 66. DissoluIon of the club.
1. The enIty shall be exInguished or dissolved for the following reasons:
a) By agreement of its General Assembly, convened for this purpose at the iniIaIve of the Board of
Directors, or at the request of at least twenty-five per cent of the members, with the express
inclusion of this point on the agenda.
The decision shall require a two-thirds majority of those present, represenIng the absolute majority
of the members.
b) By final judicial decision.
c) In the other cases provided for in the applicable regulaIons.
2. The exIncIon or dissoluIon of the enIty must be communicated to the General Directorate
competent of the Junta de Andalucía, for the cancellaIon of its registraIon in the Andalusian
Register of Sports EnIIes.
Andalusian Register of Sports EnIIes.
ARTICLE 67. DesInaIon of the net assets.
Once the enIty has been dissolved, the net assets, if any, shall be applied to non-profit making
purposes of a sporIng nature.
In any case, the provisions of Law 5/2016, of 19 July, on Sport in Andalusia, in
Decree 41/2022, of 8 March, which regulates the Sports EnIIes of Andalusia and which establishes
the structure and operaIng regime of the Andalusian Registry of Sports EnIIes, and other
development measures.